Enter some text to analyze:
Our Sentiment Analysis API is a good place to find out the tone of a sentence or paragraph. This API can be useful if you have a large amount of user responses or reviews and you want to quickly find the negative comments to see what your customers don’t like and vice versa.
However, our API gives you more power than that. Besides just reading the type response (“negative”, ”neutral”, or ”positive”), you can actually determine for yourself what you consider positive or negative. In our blog article titled "Interpreting the Score and Ratio of Sentiment Analysis", we explain two useful information, score and ratio, that our API returns for each text analyzed.
*Note: Extra usage over monthly quota ("per extra" pricing) only available through RapidAPI API Marketplace.
Our documents and tutorials are hosted on RapidAPI and are mostly the same for all marketplace. The only differences are the API keys and the API endpoints. You can read this article on the different ways to consume Twinword API to learn more.
There are two ways to consume our APIs: through RapidAPI or AWS Marketplace. Regardless of which way works best for you, the API results will be exactly the same.
Consume this API and pay on RapidAPI Marketplace using Rapid account.
Consume this API and pay on AWS Marketplace using AWS account.