-You can now change the output of our Lemmatizer API by passing it one of the nine flag options.
Our lemmatizing API allows you to find the root of a word (more specifically the “lemma” of a word), taking inflections like “dogs” and returning “dog” or “abilities” and returning “ability”.

To lemmatize a plural word or a word in a different tense, just pass in a single word or a block of text. The default output will include a list (an “array”) of the lemma the algorithm could find in the given text (ignoring the rest), ordered by the most occurring first with the count of occurrence in the value and the lemma in the key.
You can change the output in several ways. One of my favorite ways is changing it with the flag “ALL_TOKENS”. This will simply return a list of all the words (already tokenized for you) in the original order in the text, with the words that the API could lemmatize, lemmatized, and all the ones it couldn’t left alone.
You can see what I mean by checking out the Lemmatizer demo page and switching it from its default flag to “ALL_TOKENS” or try out one of the other eight flag options.
1 Comment
very good website